A fit and healthy social media professional has shared the devastating news of his stage four non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis, which turned his life upside down. Govind Sandhu, 38, who is the head of Global Music Partnerships at TikTok Australia, was taken aback when he received the diagnosis after noticing his knee was swollen following a half-marathon.

Aside from the swollen knee, Sandhu experienced flu-like symptoms for about six weeks but didn’t think much of it. In an Instagram post, Sandhu expressed his shock and devastation, questioning why this had happened to him. The Sydney resident explained that after completing the Sydney Half Marathon, he initially thought his symptoms were due to a running injury.

“I had a swollen knee, although I thought it was because my knee was injured from a fall while running trails in Hobart,” he said. “But I also had really bad body aches and sweats, which made me think it was the flu or COVID. Over four weeks, my health deteriorated.”

After several visits to his GP, along with blood tests, ultrasounds, PET and CT scans, and tissue biopsies, doctors finally got a comprehensive overview of his condition. They discovered some complications, including abnormalities near his pancreas and on his heart, though it appears his heart is okay for now.

Sandhu will soon begin aggressive chemotherapy to combat the aggressive nature of his cancer. He remains hopeful and determined to fight, despite the tough road ahead. “It will be aggressive because the cancer is aggressive,” he stated.

The news prompted an outpouring of support from his followers on social media, with many sending positive messages and well-wishes. “You’ve got this, Gove. There is no better human to have the strength, resilience, and positivity to kick this in the butt,” one follower wrote. Another added, “You’ve smashed everything you’ve ever put your heart and mind to, homie. This is no different.”

Despite the shock and challenges, Sandhu remains resolute. “I can’t believe it, but I know I have a fight on my hands,” he said. “This won’t be the end of my story. It can’t be! I’m 38 years old, have lived a blessed life to date, and have so much more to live for. Reality is, I have a chance to fight this, so I’ll take the win there.”

Sandhu hopes his battle with cancer will serve as a reminder to others about the importance of regular check-ups and paying attention to one’s health. “Get your check-ups, go get your bloodwork done. If you’re feeling sick, don’t just try and fight it off,” he urged.

As he prepares for the challenges ahead, Sandhu is grateful for the support and love he has received. “Life is beautiful. I am lucky and grateful for what I have,” he concluded. His story is a powerful reminder of the unpredictability of life and the importance of resilience and positivity in the face of adversity.